Thursday, April 29, 2010

tobacco induced lesions

during my first year of post graduation i found tobacco is the biggest enemy of mankind it is affecting the health by every aspect not just depending upon how you are taking this..
tobacco cause cancer everybody knows even this is printed on the packets also.
i always tell my patients this is the only product in the world whose manufacters are claiming that
it is injurious but people are still loving it.
we daily see tobacco related oral lesions in our practise.but the cause how it is affecting the host is still a big mystery for me...becoz i have seen many patients who are taking it on a reguler basis from last 30-35 years but they are fine..
but when i see some young patients with cancer induced by tobacco then the query arise.....

what makes a person more susceptible for the development of body knows..

there is a school of thought where they believe in multifactorial nature of disease..

i am distressed i have seen 3 oral cancer patients in my department who are my known by coincidence..2 are in fourties .so it is dangerous...

if we talk about prevention ... then we should work on primary prevention ...


my proffeser and me ,we are planning for a tobaccco cessation programme...

i think it is the most critical tool for an oral physician in a country like india where tobacco is aintegral part of culture..tobacco is in our roots...

i remember usually in our first visit we always spent long time with patient and just take the idea of patient pshyque.. and then make the treatment plan that should be different for diffrent individual.

when i ask from any patient can u quit smoking ..most of patient say they will try...sum patient will promise u ..they will quit...but sum say noooooo..i cant..they are the difficultone..

sum elderly patient say it is impossible becoz hookah ,bidi is in their culture like wine in england..due to peer pressure thhey have to take it creates a major problem in our area..nowadays i am learning human pshyciatry for better understanding of the problem.

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