Monday, July 25, 2011

small discussion on patient counselling for quitting of habit

Report · 6:23pm
sir nicotine ya gutka chudane ka koi substitute bataiye............
Report · 6:24pm
a gud
first of all u must see the cause of habit
then u must see will of patient
if the patient is willing then half work is done
Report · 6:26pm
cause of habbit means................
Report · 6:26pm
so for a gud counselling u need to know about ur patient
what is his occupation
why he is using it
is he aware of the harmful effects of the habits
and since how long he is using it
then after understanding it from the patient s prospective
u just propse ur suggestion
then it is important
u must tell him why u are telling him to quit the habit
another important part is u must do a oral checkup
bcoz patiuents are of two types
1 with active complaint
and second with only asymptomatic lesions
so better u reach upto the depth
more will be the chances of ur win
if the patient is having lesion and also having complaint
then u can start ur counselling with explaining the problem
then by considering everything in ur mind like socioeconomic status of patient,education level of patient
u just order himj to quit it
u can show him statuary warning printed on gutka packs
or cigrette packets
ithen there is one class of patient
who are not willing for quitting of habit
they are the most difficult one
now in these patients u need to ask for social persomel and family history
bcoz sumtimes they are just taking all this stuff becoz they dont want to live,are depressed or nt happy.
Report · 6:33pm
i hv. one pt. he is a butcher.......he is 25/m he said me he wants to quit the habbit he asked me for any medicine to quit gutka......
Report · 6:34pm
see there is no better medication than will power to quit this
uy need to properly counsell him
but before doing that u need to understand the concept completely
all mediction will provide temprory relief
and medicine is a drug so it must be having some pharmacological values and in the long run it would be having harmful effect
and it is dangerous to provide these medication to those kind of patient who are ignorent
there is a greter chanc eof drug abuse
so this time u are making him an addict
so my friend there is no shortcut to sucess
u hav to understand the need of the patient
than counsell him
thats wat we learn in our branch
see i mtelling u very imp lesson
wat mistake we normally do we are treating our patients like a mchine
like servicing of a bike
that is not true
u hav to deal with him by making hi m partner in the treatment
it will create an understanding,trust
and would lead to ultimate healing
so u just understand need of the patient than counsell him and explainn him the importance of quitting of habit
then see the magic
.taht s all
positive thing in ur patient is he is willing for quitting
Report · 6:41pm
i hv to learn councelling from u sir...bcos i hv. not councelled any pt. bfore..........
Report · 6:41pm
anytime dear
u can get all these point note down
these are the basics of a gud counselling
and learned by working hard in clinical encviroment
so u will get the maximum benefit if u will be able to follow them
Report · 6:43pm
thank u sir for explaining me....n i thing it is not an easy job.....
a good councelling really needs hard work ......i hv. seen u ........
i will try to learn it frm u..........
Report · 6:46pm
yarin this we hav to completely understand the pshycology of the patient
its like making a dish by knowing what the custumer want
everyone has different expectations,different taste
u cant give everyone the same thing
although ingredient would be same
but technique would be different
or u can compare it with cricket one ball and one bat
but there are plenty of shots
plenty of styles so
thats the fun in doing that
and believe me it gives u agreat feeling wen u are suceesful in counselling of a ptient
but u shuld also avoid overcounselling

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